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 Video Broadcast to BandLab

How to Broadcast Video to BandLab

Live-Broadcasting your VirtualDJ Video mix to BandLab with a few easy steps:

  • Open the BROADCAST tab of VirtualDJ Settings and select the VIDEO option from the Select Tabs

  • While logged in to your Bandlab page, click on the Video Camera Icon on your status bar.
    At the "Start Livestream" window, type in your message to notify your followers that you're going to go live ;-)
  • Then click on Start at the window.

  • You will then directed to the page where you'll receive a dedicated Stream URL and Stream Key to be used in the video broadcast setting in VirtualDJ

  • In VirtualDJ select "Other" at the "Stream To:" drop down.
    Then copy the Stream Key and the Server Name (Url) into VirtualDJ video broadcast settings

  • Click "Start Broadcast" in VirtualDJ.
    Once you're live, you should be able to see your video and audio showcased on the BandLab streaming link. You are now live and your followers can see your stream.

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